Your phone, your audio guide
The audio guide to Seeing Auschwitz is completely free of charge.
Access it from your mobile phone to make the most of your visit and access an even more enriching experience. Don’t forget to bring your phone with enough battery and headphones to enjoy it with maximum comfort for a minimum of 45 minutes.
The key mission of Seeing Auschwitz is to provide visitors of all ages with the tools to reflect for themselves on the reality of Auschwitz and the Holocaust through forensic analysis of over 100 photographic sources and documentation.

In this process, the audio guide is a key element thanks to the approximately 45-minute narration that includes, among others, the testimonies of Auschwitz survivors collected over decades by the USC Shoah Foundation, part of the University of California, and lent to the exhibition for its use for dissemination purposes.
Developed by a team of educators led by renowned British Holocaust educator Paul Salmons, the audio guide is available in English and Spanish.
Testimonies Courtesy of USC Shoah Foundation
The interviews to Ana Benkel de Vinocur and Phillip E. Katz belong to the archive of USC Shoah Foundation – The Institute for Visual History and Education
The USC Shoah Foundation Institute for Visual History and Education is a non-profit organisation created in 1994, with the original goal of recording and preserving testimonies of survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust, including Jewish people, homosexuals, Jehovah’s Witnesses, liberation witnesses, political prisoners, those who provided aid, gypsies, as well as survivors of eugenics policies and war crimes trials.
Its mission is to contribute to overcoming prejudice, intolerance and bigotry – and the suffering they cause – through the educational use of audiovisual testimonies. In addition to preserving testimonies, it helps to document the stories of survivors and other witnesses of other genocides.